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To create the most unique jewelry in the world we use our special porcelain technique invented by artist Xenia Busalova.
The plants are collected, dipped in liquid porcelain, and fired in the kiln.

As the raw porcelain pieces with real floral elements undergo firing in the kiln, the plants naturally burn away, leaving behind delicate hollow fossilized shells adorned with intricately imprinted spikes and leaves. The result is a stunning selection of weightless porcelain jewelry. Xenia Busalova adds her artistic touch by carefully painting and decorating each porcelained plant piece before the final kiln firing.

Nature itself provides the material. We only collect and transform it in an instrumental way, adding the trace of hand making.
Something that would ultimately decay without a reminiscence, turns into a precious objects instead, and becomes timeless captured poetry. Every natural object decomposes with time, but porcelain is otherworldly - it is eternal and inherently beautiful and strong.


woman walking in corridor with keys and blue earrings
woman walking in corridor with keys and blue earrings
woman wearing art apron taking selfie in mirror
woman wearing art apron taking selfie in mirror